Update: 3/9/2008
Here is History Of Brewing Bier from the book The Complete Joy of Home Brewing.
Update: 2/03/2008
I am sorry for the lack of stuff put into the site. To all the bier snobs out there I will this week will give what you guys want. Once again I am sorry for these going as slow as they are.
Update: 5/06/2007
More headlines added a long with a new bier of the month.
Update: 3/17/2007
More headlines added. I would also like to say good job to beeradvocate.com.
Update: 3/1/2007
We are still moving slowly. As you can see the bier of the month hasn't changed. On the up side we have added a news section on the main page here.
Update: 8/23/2006
BierSnobs.com is moving along very slowly. Today a few changes were made on the bier page. There is a bier of the month listed below. Along with that Samuel Adams brewery was added to the site along with Shell. More will be coming shortly. If you would like to see a brewery added feel free to send us the website. The email address is listed on the contact us page.